Posts tagged Mitch Gerads
Bi-Weekly Buddies, brews, & Books

Welcome back from the dark land of AI! This week, I'm hand-writing this so you get my classic Carlson wit. Join the crew in the land of plenty, where robots don't rule our lives and the sun shines every other day. Oh yeah, we read and review every week's new comic books! Check out what we're talking about today in the show notes!

0:04:50 - Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:10:16 - Titans #1

0:18:58 - Fantastic Four #7 / #700

0:28:05 - Batman: Brave & the Bold #1

0:40:44 - Avengers #1

0:48:48 - Red Room: Cryptokillaz #1

0:50:18 - Email from Phil Sotile!

0:51:00 - Predator #3

0:51:34 - Arcade Kings #1

0:53:23 - Vigil #1 & Cyborg #1

0:55:17 - The Seasons Have Teeth #2

1:01:53 - The Giant Kokju #2

1:04:00 - Ice Cream Man #35

1:11:14 - Dawn of DC Primer

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

Subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Email in questions at! We love hearing from you and there's a good chance we will read it on air!

Wallowing in our Will-less-ness

With a lack of Will-power to get us started this week, Jeff and Django try to fill in with their own questions. It goes about as well as you'd expect! But hey - don't stop listening after that! We have a full super-expanded slate of this week's comics coming at you from the wonderful Colette, Roman, Jeff, and Django. Cuddle close and clasp a cold cup of comfort, friends!

0:09:11 - Batman: One Bad Day

0:30:13 - Dark Spaces: Wildfire #2

0:37:00 - Heart Eyes #1

0:47:40 - Daredevil #2

0:58:10 - Trve Kvlt #1

1:06:00 - Django has a pitch!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

Subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Email in questions at! We love hearing from you and there's a good chance we will read it on air!

You can also join the Comics Place Discord here:

Episode 213: All Gooeys All The Time

Lotta titles about Geoducks lately…. That one’s a direct Roman quote. Do you think he’s giving more books “10’s” lately? Or is my memory just bad? Regardless, we answer a couple emails, have some nice heart to heart, all from the motherland of Des Moine Ohio Ontario!

00:04:33 - Hellblazer Rise and Fall #3

00:18:35 - Fear Case #1

00:25:26 - Transformers Beast Wars #1

00:33:38 - Future State!

00:34:10 - Wonder Woman #2

00:34:21 - Swamp Thing #2

00:40:17 - Maniac of New York #1

00:48:52 - Fire Power #8

00:55:00 - Email Questions!!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 212: Geoducks and the Bham Music Scene

Really gorgeous week of comics on our hands this week, folks. Future State has weighted the podcast a little heavy in the DC department, but we do our best to share the publisher love around a bit. The last 10 or so minutes is a conversation about the Bellingham music scene I pose to our brilliant Bham scholars, feel free to dip out. Have a great week!

00:05:10 - Batman Black White #2

00:22:45 - Strange Adventures #8

00:30:35 - Sweet Downfall #1

00:38:20 - Future State!

00:38:50 - Aquaman #1

00:44:15 - Superman VS Imperious Lex #1

00:52:35 - Batman Superman #1

01:01:30 - X-men #17

01:04:36 -Secret history of the DC Universe #2

01:13:40 - The Eighth Immortal #1


SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 192: Sacred Shitless Children

What a time to be alive, folks! We talk about some VERY highly caliber books this week. Jeff gives some very high scores. What you DONT hear, is a 45 second clip of Jeff furiously yelling at Django. But can you feel it? We also get an email the devolves into a segments that, had it been EASY to cut out, CERTAINLY would have.

00:06:42 - Hellblazer: Rise & Fall #1

00:20:13 - We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #1

00:33:40 - Spy Island #1

00:47:00 - Strange Adventures #5

00:57:02 - Lost Soldiers #2

01:03:00 - DCeased Dead Planet #3

01:06:57 - EMAIL!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 188: Roman's Boxed Water

What a week! Filled with a ton of great books (MULTIPLE GEODUCKS), a lot of tremendous laughs, AND Colette is here! That is a lot of good to stuff into a single 78 minute period, so buckle up!

00:04:01 - Strang Adventures #4

00:16:38 - DCeased Dead Planet #2

00:23:16 - Ice Cream Man #20

00:29:57 - Fire Power #1

00:44:29 - King of Nowhere #4

00:49:53 - Death Metal Legends o/t Dark Knights #1

00:56:48 - Giant-Size X-men: Fantomex #1

01:05:27 - Empyre #4

01:09:53 - Batman #96

01:16:25: The Dreaming: Waking Hours #1

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 187: What a Week of Comics!

We’re back! With spirits renewed and smiles upon our sweaty glistening faces! And we’re ready to talk weekly comics, and what a week of comics it was! Lots of high scores this week, a handful between 8-10, so that’s good! Anyway, thanks for letting us take a break, now lets get into it!

00:04:45 - Hedra #1

00:12:10 - Lost Soldiers #1

00:25:45 - Grit #1

00:30:40 - Roman’s Empyre Spot!

00:37:20 - Empire: Savage Avengers #1

00:41:35 - That Texas Blood #2

00:44:31 - Spider-Man Noir #4

00:46:40 - Pulp OGN (Only the first couple pages!)

00:49:54 - Space Bear OGN

00:54:08 - Bunch’a X-Books!

New Mutants #11

X-man Fantastic Four #4

*Wolverine #3

*Hellions #2

Empyre: X-men #1

*X-Factor #1 

Cable #2

X-men #10

01:15:00 - EMAIL QUESTION!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 186: The Stadtlers

The boys return from a small island vacation. Thanks for meeting us back in the secret meeting place! We are worried you may have forgotten about the coded password and all that. Big week of comics! Feels like the first REAL BIG week since the pandemic! Get ready, buckle up, its time for blast off!

00:06:16 - Giant Size X-Men: Magneto #1

00:14:16 - FCBD 2020 X-Men/Avengers #1

00:20:27 - Dark Knights Death Metal #2

00:27:35 - Empyre #1

00:36:50 - Strange Adventures #3

00:47:45 - Savage Dragon #250

00:57:17 - GI Joe: Snake Eye Dead Game #1 

01:01:49 - BUCKSHOTS!!!

    Immortal Hulk #35

    Fantastic Four Empyre #1

    Guardians of the Galaxy #4

    TMNT #106

    Venom #26

    Avengers #34

    iWolverine 2020 #1

    Engineward #1

    Amazing Spider-man #44

    Family Tree #7

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 169: Roman's Strange Huckleberry Adventures

Nothing is more apparent this week, that the fact the Jeff needs to watch Tombstone. WE GET IT! Now that we’ve moved beyond that…. Roman, Django, & Jeff are here to talk shop! Not literally… well kinda… The week’s books! Where do you think Roman’s Geoduck ended up this week?

00:09:31 - Strange Adventures #1

00:19:26 - Billionaire Saland #1

00:25:30 - Marvel #1

00:33:36 - King Nowhere #1

00:41:06 - Batman #90

00:46:52 - Outer Darkness Chew #1

00:55:51 - Spider-man Noir #1

00:59:52 - Join the Future #1

01:04:39 - EMAIL FROM WYN!!!

 SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 121 - Birth of the Metaphorical BBQ

Ladies and Gentlemen, Roman, Justin, & Jeff gather to give you a very special, very informative, goof-filled insightful discussion on this weeks books. It’s a little long this one, but we round it all out with a discussion of Heroes in Crisis #6 that we’re all pretty proud of, so stick around for it. We’re talking Daredevil #2, Action Comics #1008, Fantastic Four #6, Buffy #2, Ice Cream Man #10 & Heroes in Crisis #6. A couple others also… AND the birth of Jeff’s new favorite concept The Metaphorical BBQ!

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 100 - Giant Size 100th Episode Spectacular

Folks! Thanks for sticking with us for 100 episodes, and thank you also for your patience on this one being a couple days late. As a thank you (and a justification for its tardiness) we’ve made this one a Giant-Sized 100th Episode spectacular! Like… it’s foolishly long… and unedited soI hope that we don’t say anything terrible…Where we (Roman, Django, and Jeff) along with Colette (YEAH!), talk about the weeks books, and we also have a special secondary segment in which we talk about some of our all time favorite Writers and Artists (not in that order). It’s a podcast for the ages, which means this one may not be for you… It’s long, its meandering, but we got enough requests to do an unedited full-lengther, so we’re doing it. Oh! Also! We got our first sponsor this week! Which means we’ve really grown up. So don’t forget to follow the instructions and claim your prize for being a PAPCAST listener! We love you all!  That’s…

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Our music is by Nick Waite. You can find him at