Episode 213: All Gooeys All The Time

Lotta titles about Geoducks lately…. That one’s a direct Roman quote. Do you think he’s giving more books “10’s” lately? Or is my memory just bad? Regardless, we answer a couple emails, have some nice heart to heart, all from the motherland of Des Moine Ohio Ontario!

00:04:33 - Hellblazer Rise and Fall #3

00:18:35 - Fear Case #1

00:25:26 - Transformers Beast Wars #1

00:33:38 - Future State!

00:34:10 - Wonder Woman #2

00:34:21 - Swamp Thing #2

00:40:17 - Maniac of New York #1

00:48:52 - Fire Power #8

00:55:00 - Email Questions!!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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