Posts tagged Venom
Episode 248: Tom Hanks' Sorbet Watermelon Belly

We all, finally, have mutually agreed to drop the illusion of professionalism that we have so long kept up on this glorious feed. So hear, dear listener, because here is the place where the mic is dropped and the kimono is parted... and dares to stay that way for all eternity. This is when the PAPCast (PerfAccPod to Django) enters its brand new era! 

0:02:35 - Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:07:35 - The Thing #1

0:13:50 - What's the Furthest Place From Here? #1

0:21:52 - Robin & Batman #1

0:27:47 - Out #2

0:32:05 - Venom #1

0:41:45 - Regarding the Matter of Oswald's Body #1

0:48:07 - The Return! Carlson's Continuity Corner!

1:03:35 - Bonus Tiebreaker Round!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Email in questions at ! We love hearing from you and there's a good chance we will read it on air!

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Episode 230: The Roman Rundown!

We got Colette this week!! So Colette Jeff and Roman sit down to talk all things comics from this week. Was X-men Planet Sized? What does your soul look like in comparison to a dodgeball? Did YOU like Loki #2? And, prepare yourelf Dear Listener, for THE ROMAN RUNDOWN!

00:06:54 - Planet Sized X-men

00:16:47 - New Mutants #19

00:22:00 - Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #1

00:37:40 - LOKI #2

00:42:26 - Heroes Reborn #7

00:52:45 - Nightwing #81

01:00:53 - Represent! #1

01:05:22 - Venom #200

01:09:40 - Compass #1


SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 181: Getting Back in the Adult-Swing of Things

We’re still working on knocking the dust off these old comic-boots, but we’re getting there! Just like the Comic Industry! The weeks aren’t huge, and they aren’t dripping with top tier books, but gosh darn it we’re gonna find the good ones and read’em! Django and Jeff gather, remotely, to talk about what they read this week, and you know…. This and that….

00:06:31 - Outer Darkness/Chew #2

00:17:20 - King of Nowhere #2

00:24:12 - Amazing Spider-Man #43

00:28:50 - Venom #25

00:37:40 - Disaster Inc. #1

00:42:45 - Dead Day#1

00:45:08 - Rogue Planet #1

00:46:40 - Marauders #10

00:52:57 - Deadly Class #44

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 170: Hey Everybody... It's Us....

Well folks, interesting times. In an attempt to try and find SOME way to hopefully decrease universal anxiety right now, Django and Jeff decided to record a REAL long podcast and release it with basically no edits. This is a pretty big departure from the usual show, so it might not be for everybody. We try to keep it lighthearted but there’s a couple moments where we talk about the state of things. Tune out when you like, but the hope is that at least SOMEBODY will feel a little less freaked out and alone while on the couch at home. This is the plan moving for ward for the next several weeks. We’d love extra emails and voicemails if you feel up to it, just to get some more content out there!


-Catch up reading

-Tv Show/Movies

 SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 162 - Perfectly Acceptable Comic Shop Brutality

This week is wild right off the bat (No pun intended). Jeff is workshopping a new VERY angry character and Roman and Django are in the crosshairs. They work through it eventually and have fun making each other laugh (and me, a lot) and talking about the hot new comics this week! I’m looking at YOU Batman #86! It’s another week, another dollar with these 3 good time boys.

00:05:00 - Batman #86

00:14:01 - Daphne Byrne

00:19:42 - Marvels X #1

00:25:20 - Dying is Easy #2 

00:29:46 - White Ash #1 

00:32:55 - Star #1

00:36:19 - TMNT #101

00:40:12 - Venom #22

00:42:37 - Immortal Hulk #29

00:42:34 - Firefly: the Outlaw Ma Reynolds

00:47:32 - Savage Avengers #9

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.ess.

Episode 158 - Perfectly Acceptable Thanksgiving

Gather ‘round, hungry comic fans. Theres room at our Thanksgiving table for ALL of you! You there, squeeze in between Django & Colette, and YOU, fine friend, sit next to Jeff while he runs the board. Still plenty of seats for new-comers! Feel free to pop a squat even if the meals already begun, because it’s time to talk comics! Don’t forget to check the rundown to skip past any books you don’t want spoiled!

00:06:18 - Killadelphia #1

00:14:40 - John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

00:23:00 - Venom #20

00:29:40 - Basketful of Heads #2

00:34:30 - History of the Marvel Universe #5

00:40:25 - Batman Creature of the Night #4

00:45:00 - The Plot #2

00:51:01 - New Mutants #2

00:59:55 - X-Force #2

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 138 - Hurricane Beary!

All 4 of your favorite Pop-Punk allstars are back together! Justin, on the Bass of Course. Rome-dawggy-dawg on the drums, Jeff on the 6-string mistress, and Django’s rocking the mic! These classic punkers are going to be playing some of your favorite tunes and their absolute hits SUCH AS… Marvel’s Giant Size X-Statix #1, Invisible Woman #1, Venom #16, Wolverine & Captain America Weapon Plus #1. You’ll also hear deep cuts such as Black Hammer & Justice League #1, Outer Darkness #8, Unearth #1, CARE BEARS UNLOCK THE MAGIC #1. You’ll want to pick up this collection for sure, or else you’ll miss out on the, never before performed live, Second Coming #1! Now THAT’S what I call podcasting, Papcast edition. And don’t forget to send us voicemails and written questions for episode 140 coming up here!

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 115 - Radio Bears

Beary takes the chair of an absent Roman until… Roman magically reappears! So its your 4 classic boys talking comics, peanut butter cookies, customer appreciation parties, and much much more! This week! Detective Comics #996, Venom #10, Fantastic Four #6, Superman #7, and ya know,,,, other stuff too…

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 108 - Justin's Newfound Kink

There are a slew of absences due in our near future, but the 4 stalwarts sit down to talk comics in a real heartfelt way…. The only way we know how. With goofs, farts, deep insights into Justin’s psyche , and a genuine back and forth that allows us to ACTUALLY see how we feel about books... Particularly with Mister Miracle #12 this week… the final issue. My point is, we go a little heavy on the first 3 comics. We of course engage in a variety of self-indulgent tangents, and discuses other weekly issues such as The Longer Ranger #2, Firefly #1, Plastic Man #6, & Fantastic Four #3. And others… there’s always others. Thanks so much as always for listening and probing the recesses of our collective conscious’ together.

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Our music is by Nick Waite. You can find him at

Episode 103 - Justin's Return, and All's Right With The World

Well folks, it’s not every day that Justin moves back across the state in earnest, but today is that day. We got’em! Not without cost though… Django is away trying to convince the entire state of Louisiana to celebrate Mardi Gras at the wrong time. So this holy sacrament we present in order to restore the pillars of 4 we began with oh so long ago. OH! And Comics! Jeff and Roman give Justin an in depth summary of some of our favorite comics coming out this week. We’re talkin’ Amazing Spider-Man #7, Superman #4, Murder Falcon #1, Immortal Hulk #7, & Venom #7. So happy to see the return of our long lost partner…. Brought to you, in part, by Apples are apples unless they’re apple juice.

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Our music is by Nick Waite. You can find him at

Episode 97 - A Return to Perfectly Acceptable Content

Alright folks, we’re back with an ACTUAL episode of the podcast. Not an apology-cast, an actually perfectly acceptable podcast. Braden, Jeff, & Roman are dishing out the hot-takes this week, and they’re running long to do it (Since last week was definitely short). It’s a good one, unless you’re here for dust and toots… our dust and toot’s expert is on assignment week. We’re talking Runaways #12, Scarlet #1, X-23 #3, Lex Luthor & Porky Pig #1, Moon Knight #198, & of course, Web of Venom: Ve’nam #1. 

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Our music is by Nick Waite. You can find him at