Posts tagged Terminator
Episode 172: The Not Quite Video Show

First off, Hope everybody out there is safe and doing well inside there homes these days! Second, thanks for sticking with us on this one, the audio isn’t up to our normal standards, BUT it’s because we’re recording “isolation style”! Jeff and Django convene, for the first time ever, in completely separate locations to talk about the hot books of the week and a bunch of other random stuff they’ve been watching, listening to, or reading during this this year’s Social Distancing Season. Come along, if you can handle the audio, for a wild Party cast designed to keep the world company while you’re killing time at home!

(Not 100% on the order of these!)

Giant Size X-men: Nightcrawler

X-men #9

Hellions #1

X-men/Fantasic Four #3

Wolverine #2

Action Comics #1021

Detective Comics #1021

Terminator Tranformers #1

No Ones Rose #1

DCeased Unkillables #2

Road to Empyre #1

Sex Criminals #28

Amazing Spider-Man #42

TMNT #104

Once & Future #7

Die Die Die #7

Party Hour!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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