Posts tagged Mariko Tamaki
Episode 210: Guy Gardner is a Washington Fan?

What with Future State and all, we’ve just been packing these episodes full! Get ready for another long one, might even have to divide it between multiple listens! Because on top of Jeff’s spooky day, and blatant attempt to force Football into comics, we ALSO answer some emails, including one from Andrew who gathered a bunch of unanswered questions from the past!

00:05:40 - Haha #1

00:16:16 - Future State:

00:18:00 - Teen Titans #1

00:24:49 - Kara Zor-El Superwoman #1

00:31:32 - Robin Eternal #1

00:37:13 - Superman/Wonder Woman #1

00:44:14 - Justice League #1

00:49:21 - Dark Detective #1

00:55:13 - Green Lantern #1

01:00:17 - Sword #2

01:04:04 - Space Bastards #1

01:09:53 - Serial #1

01:16:15 - EMAILS!!!!!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 163 - B-A-B Yoda

The Perfectly Acceptable Podcast is super excited to welcome Sarah to the Podcast for her first full episode! So this week, Sarah, Django, & Jeff give you a smattering of opinions on what happened this week in comics! Also, at some point Django starts talking about Penthouse from the 1970’s or whenever he was a kid…. that’s right folks, it gets weird!

00:04:03 - Jessica Jones: Blind Spot #1

00:12:17 - Red Mother #2

00:17:25 - Jane Foster Valkyrie #7

00:23:00 - Five Years #7

00:31:07 - The Question: Deaths of Vic Sage #2

00:40:00 - MEET SARAH!!



00:51:42 - Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen 

00:52:13 - Dead Eyes #4

00:52:34 - Second Coming #6


00:55:00 - Low Low Woods #2

00:55:46 - Skulldigger & Skeleton Boy #2


00:58:40 - Flash Forward #5

00:59:01 - Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth

00:59:21 - The Batman’s Grave #4

00:59:58 - Archie #710

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website addressess.

Episode 159 - Perfectly Acceptable Romedog Pile

In which Django and Jeff TOTALLY destroy Roman’s attempt to talk about Conan The Serpent War & Valley of the Worm…. I know… you’ll get it when you get there. But yes! That’s right! Jeff Django and Roman sit down to talk about the week in books and have a truly wonderful time… teasing Roman….

00:05:13 - Butcher of Paris #1

00:15:27 - 20XX #1

00:24:02 - Inferior 5 #4

00:30:45 - Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble #2

00:35:14 - Conan Serpent Wars #1/ Valley of the Worm #1

00:44:18 - Dead Eyes #3

00:51:07 - X-Men #3



01:00:30 - Lois Lane #6

01:01:11 - Daredevil #14

01:01:42 - James Bond #1

01:01:53 - Marauders #3


01:03:18 - TMNT & MMPR #1

01:03:47 - Excalibur #3

01:04:16 - Marauders #3


01:06:50 - Savage Avengers #8

01:08:04 - Doctor Doom #3

01:09:18 - Batman #84

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 155 - Perfectly Acceptable Brade-Cast: Part Two

Wow folks, we did it…. Sometimes apparently this is what needs to happen. A 2-part podcast that allowed us to bloviate about all sorts of “high concept” stuff, like superheroes and farts and other very “high concept” stuff. It’s a rough one folks! Be weary, dear travelers, for this podcast isn’t for the faint of heart… and has only been scarcely edited. Listener beware…. You’re in for a scare!

00:01:04 - Legion of Super-Heroes #1

00:13:00 - Spider-man & Venom : Double Trouble #1

00:20:03 - Daredevil #13

00:35:00 - Immortal Hulk #26

00:54:00 - Batman #82

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.
