Posts tagged Black Badge
PAPCAST Presents... Sarah's Top Comics of 2019

If you’ve been following along with us all week, this episode is very exciting! Get ready to welcome The Comics Place’s newest wonderful family member, Sarah! Don’t forget to check back each day, as we spend a whole week hearing from everybody that works at The Comics Place. And who knows, maybe even a couple surprises.

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Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 120 - ComicsPro and Back Again

Woof! Django and Jeff just got back from North Carolina! Where they attended a convention for comic shop owners, so they regale us with stories and jokes that prove just how far their heads are up their own asses. But we also talk about the books we all managed to read this week, some serious and some not so serious. American Carnage #4, Black Badge #7, Sharkey the Bounty Hunter #1, High Level #1, & Naomi #2. Also… other! Time is short this week so we get in and we get out quick. See you all in a few days!

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Episode 104 - Done got hit by a car!

Goodness Gracious, it’s so nice to be surrounded by the ones you love. This week Justin, Django, & Jeff discuss the weeks books for the first time together in a very very long time. Ya know, getting the original band back together and all. This week we talk quickly and loudly about Gideon Falls #7, Thor #6, Exorsisters #1, Justice League Dark #4, & Batman #57… and of course a bunch of other books and esoteric things. If you listen very carefully, you can in fact feel the love tonight. Thanks to this week’s two sponsors, Wilson Large at Dark Darkness and Murphy’s Apple Juice Apples are apples unless they’re apple juice.

Be wary of SPOILERS! There are a lot of them. So read these books before you listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Call in with your questions at 1-619-663-7336. Or email them to us info at our website address.

Our music is by Nick Waite. You can find him at