Sparking Kingly Conversations

Jeff, Django, and Roman find a big ol' stack of #1s to check out this week, including some crazy double-page spreads, the return of an obscure DC character (thanks again Tom King!), and even a little something from down under! Just jump in already and see what comic books you should be reading too!

0:02:34 - Email from Dominic!

0:03:20 - Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:08:03 - Jenny Sparks #1

0:18:25 - Powerpuff Girls #2

0:19:41 - Wonder Woman #12

0:21:42 - Huge Detective #1

0:26:08 - Standstill #1

0:29:21 - Batman/Superman: World's Finest #30 & Superman #17

0:37:54 - Namor #2

0:42:00 - Email from... wait a second...

0:44:20 - Buckshots!!!

0:53:28 - Wolverine: Revenge #1

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So definitely pause this, read your comics, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

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Cover art by Jeff Spokes

Visit us at The Comics Place next time you're in Bellingham, Washington!

Django Bohren