Episode 143 - A Good Week For Blacksmiths

We’ve got ourselves a brand new formation to the PAPsquad this week! Colette, Braden, Roman, & Jeff sit down to have a VERY steamy conversation about some of the STEAMIER books this week. Once and Future #1, White Trees #1, Fantastic Four #13, Ghosted in LA #2, Event Leviathan #3, Silver Surfer Black #3, Xena #5, Conan Exodus #1, & Squirrel Girl #47. We learn a lot about a lot this week, and ultimately leave the conversation more informed people than when we entered. Come along! Join us!

00:03:19 – Once and Future #1

00:14:44 – White Trees: Blacksand Tale #1

00:27:31 – Fantastic Four #13

00:34:10 – Ghosted in LA #2

00:37:54 – Event Leviathan #3

00:50:27 - Silver Surfer Black #3

01:00:24 – Xena Warrior Princess #5

01:02:44 – Conan the Barbarian: Exodus #1

01:05:49 – Age of Conan: Valeria #1

01:09:44 - Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #47

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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