Middle Bat-Child Complex: Batman & Robin #4

It’s Batman & Robin #4! Which means, get those warm fuzzy Frank Quitely feelings OUT OF HERE! It’s Philip Tan time! This week we’ve got a darker, grittier, shadowy arc. Lots of talk about Jason Todd this week, so get ready! Also, the boys spend a strong amount of time talking about The Curious Case of Benjamin Button… Maybe not necessary… But there it is…

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at: batmaninquarantine@gmailcom

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at: instagram.com/urbanbarbarian

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