Wow. This ones bonkers, folks. Here is the bloated Final Crisis special theBatman in Quarantine crew did for out other podcast last year. It’s huge, because we try to cover the whole ding dang thing. I hope you’re able to soldier through it, but we understand if its just too much! It’s like the infinite gravitational well at the center of the hole in things!
Final Crisis 1-7, Superman Beyond 1-2, Batman Last Rites, & Final Crisis: Submit.
You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at: batmaninquarantine@gmailcom
SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!
A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:
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