One Last Ride: A BIQ Victory Lap

Wowza, this was way more fun and way more flattering than we realized it would be. The BIQ crew gathers, with a handful of the amazing extended members of the Quaranteam…. Quaranteam Incorporated, if you will. Anyway, This is a look back at the run, and a wonderful introduction to all those that helped make this podcast what it was. It’s a victory lap, so the Scotch gets away from us near the end. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Putting the Bat to Bed: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #13

Well, we’ve done it. You can almost hear the theme from Chariots of Fire playing in the background this whole time. Roman, Justin, Django, & Jeff gather to talk about the final issue of Grant’s run on Batman. So thankful for everybody who joined us on this journey, and everybody who listens after the fact. You’re all wonderful! We’ll be back next week, so never fear!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Bat-Boys in Penultimate Peril: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #12

So glad to have all four of the Quaranteam together as we near the end! No, we didn’t forget an episode. We are skipping issue #11, which is the burnham written Inc. special. Theres a good chance we’ll go back and check it out once all is said and done. Until then, its time for a good ole’ fashioned bat brawl!!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Building A Better Sorrow-Suit: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #10

Like a sheepish cat slinking into the room after a long nap, so too return the boys of Batman in Quarantine! (Actually… I don’t really know what the means, thats just what my cat just did….). Django, Roman, & Jeff sit down to discuss issue 10 of the run. Things are getting bleak and heavy, and also particularly nerdy! I’m talking like, analysis-of-possible-chess-moves-off-panel nerdy, to get ready!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Those Silent Bat-Tears: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #9

Batman Inc. #9 gives us a brief moment of mourning! Kinda… as well as a tough scene with Alfie, a grave-yard chat, and a moment of devastation with the Cow.

Also, a couple cool links Mr Chris Bucheit in the email we read today!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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So Long, Brave Bat-Boy: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #8

Well folks, its a grim day here for us Damian fans. Batman Inc Vol 02 #8 is a wonderful, beautiful, masterful affair. But it’s got us feeling down inthe dumps! Join us, won’t you?

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Even Bats Ugly-Cry: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #7

Technology has been all over the place this week, but hey, that means Batman Inc Vol 02 #7 gets a new themes song! Why not, right? We’re close to the end. An’d we’ve got all 4 boys here for it. This issue sees the chess board fully set up for what’s about to come next issue…. Woofers.

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Bat-Goat-Parables: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #6

Roman, Django, & Jeff are GOING TO FIND THE ANSWER OF THE GOAT PROBLEM! Or wait… maybe its a meditation… are you trying to tell me there IS NO definitive right answer? Then what’s the point?! Buddies, that’s the point. ITS BATMAN INC. VOL. 02 #6!!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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Bat-Visions, Bat-Prophecies, & Gotham On Fire: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #5

What a day, folks! Batman Inc. Vol 02 #5 brings quite the bag of questions to the table! Like…. How and why did we get here? Is this a vision? A Prophecy? An isolation dream? What did we see at the end of time? And why is it so hot in Gotham?

We stumbled on a really cool 666 universe continuity guide (I had to make sure it wasn’t something Chris Murphy had posted). Anyway, check it out here…

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Thursday!

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Little-Red-Bat-Wing: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #4

Batman Inc Vol 2 #4 is gorgeous…. Good lord…. lets take a second to stare in silence at this together, shall we? Or… wait… that’s terrible radio… okay, we’ll say something. Burnham is on a tear! One of the best single issue action sequences we’ve ever seen. Great to hear from some of you wonderful folks today!!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Deep Bat-Cover: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #3

Batman Inc. Vol 2 #3 Sees the long awaited return of Matches Malone!! Don’t know who he is? Thats okay neither did a couple of us the first time we read this. But dang it, you can trust that Roman is here to love Matches Malone enough for all 4 of us! Also, Damian’s new outfit, great Burnham, and a great joke about STD’s. It’s Batman in Quarnantine #68!!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Talia's Bat-Story: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #2

Batman Inc. Vol2 #2! I’m sorry for the audio on today’s episode, folks. Jeff had to record on an iPad today and it just wasn’t great for anybody. BUT! Nonetheless, we get to learn all about the glue that’s been holding the bat-epic together… Talia Al Ghoul!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Bat-Cows and Retcons: Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #1

What a lovely day to have all 4 boys together to talk about Batman Inc Vol 2 #1! Confusing titling, but if you’ve made it this far with us, you probably know which issue I mean. Its the origin of Jeff’s favorite extended Bat-family member. Justin Tarot’s-up Django’s love for sound storytelling, and Roman…. Well ROMAN runs this “Freight Train” off the road. If you don’t get it yet… listen to the episode….

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Did Somebody Ask For a Jumping On Point?: Batman Inc. Vol 2 #0

It’s time! The final march! Issue #0 of Batman Inc. sees Roman, Django, & Jeff discussing the publishing existence of this book. Where does it fit? Why does it exist? But the art is gorgeous, and we sure like talking about it!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Ride the Bat-Spiral To The End: Batman Incorporated Leviathan Strikes Pt. 2

We’ll see you at the bottom of the spiral… or the top of the Spyral? Is the first time we’ve been here… or is this the last? Roman, Jeff, & Justin endeavor to get to either the bottom or top of this… ITS LEVIATHAN STRIKES PART 2!!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Midnight at Bat-Finishing School: Batman Incorporated Leviathan Strikes Pt. 1

Back again once again! Justin, Roman, Django, & Jeff are all here to talk the first HALF of Leviathan Strikes. Thats right, it was originally just going to be Batman Inc. #9 but it all got moved around by editorial! You’ll learn all about it if you don’t already know. Also, a mysterious email? And a NOT so mysterious Voicemail.

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Does The Bat-Internet Use Dial-Up?: Batman Incorporated #8

Django, Roman, Justin, & Jeff getting ready to uplink to our secure internet 3.0 server for Batman Inc. #8! What an issue… Strangest Frank Quitely art yet… (that’s a joke…) Great to have all four boys together to talk about the final issue of the first volume of Batman Inc.

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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A Man-of-Bats For the People: Batman Incorporated #7

Thanks for Joining Roman, Jeff, & Justin this week! Batman Inc #7 is collectively out favorite issue of the run so far. And this episode particularly see the three of us buddies get to know each other s little better. Even after 10 years, you can always learn new things about your friend! So gather around the fireplace and get ready for a long talk about the Man of Bats, and thanks for letting us get a little more vulnerable than usual!

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Bat-Conspiracy On A Global Scale!: Batman Incorporated #6

A direction seems found! Pieces begin to fall into place! The who’s, the why’s… we’re starting to form the question, and after the question? Why, the answer of course! Batman Inc. #6 sees another issue with full Burnham interior art, Roman drops an awesome Metamorpho take, and the gentlemen find themselves stuck trying to correctly pronounce the word “Whew”. What do you think?

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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Falkland Bat-Buddies: Batman Incorporated #5

Batman Inc. #5 sees Roman, Justin, Jeff, & Django piling into The Hood’s Templar plane and jet setting to the Falkland Islands! Join us, won’t you? The Origin of Dr. Dedalus? Got it. Random British guy named The Hood? Got it. Hammer powered bombs? Got it. Bad guys with dementia? Who are you guys again….?

ALSO! Andrew created an amazing Facebook group page. It’s super active, super entertaining, and has all sorts of awesome insights, have a link!:

AND! The amazing Conor built an incredible Morrison Spotify playlist to listen to as you read along, check it out below!

You can send us an email with feedback, questions, audio recordings, or ANYTHING at:

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these issues. So maybe pause this, read the issue first,, and come back. We’ll still be here!

A Huge Thank you to Dan Panosian for the art in our Logo! Find more of his great work at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes or wherever you like to get your podcasts, and look for new episodes every Monday & Thursday!

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